Youth & Family
The Youth and Family Ministry provides programming for children from birth through 12th grade and their families allowing each an opportunity to grow in their knowledge of Christian faith, their spiritual development, and in our collective work of justice-making in our world!
Nursery (birth – 6 years old): open during worship services and Sunday School
Sunday School (Pre-k – 7th grade): 10:15 a.m.
Confirmation (8th grade): 10:15 a.m. beginning each program year (September). Email our director (ehankins@bathucc.org) for more info.
Worship: If you’d prefer to have your child sit with you, we have bags of quiet toys they can play with in the pews. The Family Room is available in the back left of the sanctuary if you wish to give your little one space to move around.
Sunday Mornings
7th – 12th Grades
Youth Group (Sundays, 4:00-5:30): Our youth group meets every other week on Sunday night for games, fun, snacks, community, adventure, service projects, and more. The full schedule is in each week’s Youth and Family email, and we send text reminders as events approach.
Youth Group Devotions (Sundays, 4:00-5:30): On weeks where the full youth group isn’t meeting, we gather with our high schoolers to read the Bible, dive into real-life topics, and explore what it means to live a life of faith. Some of these studies take place off-campus. Subscribe to the email for the most up-to-date communication.
Youth Group
Each week we send an email with news and updates about the program as well as text reminders as we get closer to each event. To get the latest, most up to date info, sign up below!
Weekly Email Updates: http://eepurl.com/hnX691
Family Ministry Text Reminders (birth – 6th grades):
OR text “@bathfamily” to 81010
Youth Group Text Reminders (7th – 12th grades):
OR text “@bathyouth” to 81010
Instagram (Youth Group): @bathchurchyouth
Please email our Director of Youth and Family Ministries, Eric Hankins (ehankins@bathucc.org), for more information or if you have any questions.